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Lumin vs DocuSign pricing

Compare the prices of each subscribtion plan DocuSign and Lumin PDF offer. Visit Lumin's pricing page and DocuSign's pricing page for more details.



  • 3 docs

  • Annotate 3 documents

  • Digitally sign PDFs


$9/month paid yearly

  • 10 docs

  • Annotate 10 documents

  • Retain document access


$19/month paid yearly

  • 30 docs

  • Annotate 30 documents

  • Edit PDF text

  • Split documents


$199/month paid yearly

  • 200 docs

  • Annotate 200 documents

  • Create fillable forms

  • Redact sensitive information

  • Single sign on (SSO)

  • Customer success contact


Contact sales

  • Enterprise SSO

  • Audit logs



  • 5 envelopes per month

  • Reusable templates



  • Shared templates

  • Collaborative commenting

  • Customized branding

Business Pro


  • Signer attachments

  • Formulas & advanced fields

  • PowerForms

  • Bulk send

  • Payments

Enhanced plans

Contact sales

  • Manage data across accounts

  • 24/7 live support

  • Identification and authentication

  • Address compliance obligations

  • Single sign-on (SSO)

  • Customize with integrations

  • Multichannel delivery